Month: December 2015
Two UN police officers found dead in Haiti
UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) soldiers wait in front of the National Palace in Port-au-Prince, on October 25, 2015 (AFP Photo/Hector Retamal) Port-au-Prince (AFP)…
Time running out to avoid new Haiti poll delay – Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
AFP December 30, 2015, 12:38 pm Time running out to avoid new Haiti poll delay Port-au-Prince (AFP) – Haiti’s independent electoral commission was running out…
Contribution to the egg industry in the economy
Haiti In Haiti from 2010 to 2015, intensive egg production has increased fivefold, from 50,000 to 250,000 layers or approximately 1 million to over…
October 9, 2010 REPRINTED DEC 29TH 2015 Preval’s candidate for the presidency held his first rally this evening, in the center of Port-au-Prince. His big…
Haiti PM Evans Paul awaits elections report
U.S. Ambassador: No evidence of massive fraud Jan. 17 latest date Haiti can hold second round to meet constitution deadline Electoral Commission report due Wednesday…
U.S. Coast Guard Seeks Candidates for International Cadet Program
November 16, 2015 USCGA The U.S. Coast Guard, through the U.S. Embassy of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is seeking candidates for a special International Cadet Program available…
Mme Manigat félicite le président Martelly pour avoir réagit sur les élections
Mme Manigat félicite le président Martelly pour avoir réagit sur les élections . La secrétaire générale du RDNP :Myrlande H Manigat a félicité le Président…
The G8 rejects an invitation from the Evaluation Commission -Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth As part of its mission, the Independent Electoral Commission of Evaluation created at the request of Jude Célestin, a member of the G8 as…
Des groupes armés s’affrontent au bas de la ville …
Des groupes armés continuent de s’affronter pour avoir le contrôle de marché de la Croix-des-Bossales au bas de la ville. Ces confrontations se font beaucoup…
Haïti : report des élections législatives et présidentielle
Le 9 août 2015, des Haïtiens tiennent un bureau de vote à Port-au-Prince pour les élections législatives. ©AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery Les élections législatives et…
Les assassins de Lencie risquent la prison à vie
Le commissaire du gouvernement près du tribunal de première instance de Port-au-Prince a pris ce lundi, le ferme engagement d’accorder une attention particulière à ce…
A new cement plant of $300M
Haiti Libre.Com At the initiative of Honorary Consul of Haiti in Belgium, Bestgen Jérôme after over a year of technical studies and financial arrangements by…
Doctors Lose Gifts, Medical Supplies on Mission Trip to Haiti
When a group of doctors from Connecticut Children’s Medical Center and similar hospitals nationwide landed at their Haiti mission trip on December 12, they didn’t…
The First Lady makes happy in La Croix
HAITI LIBRE.Com On Christmas Eve, the First Lady Sophia Martelly, accompanied by his children Olivier, Sandro, Yani, and Malaika as well as the Departmental Delegate…
Haiti economie: 1re manufacture haïtienne de cordonnerie industrielle et de haute technologie
Ouverture officielle de la première manufacture haïtienne de cordonnerie industrielle et de haute technologie, ce jeudi 17 decembre, à l’initiative de JL Fine Shoes SA,…
Ce n’est plus une affaire de fusil La mort et sa pestilence déambulent dans nos rues et recouvrent peu à peu nos vies. Le seuil de l’insupportable est atteint. Longtemps déjà….
Florida officials to spray for mosquitoes due to rain, heat
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Wet, hot and itchy – welcome to Christmas in South Florida, where the heavy rains and abnormally high temperatures…
The Minister Casimir, honored by the Court of Appeal of PAP
Wednesday, during a tribute ceremony, placed under the sign of gratitude and of thanks, which was attended by the President of the Court of Appeal…
Des groupes armés s’affrontent au bas de la ville …
Au moins une trentaine de personnes ont déjà été tuées au cours des deux dernières semaines au boulevard la Saline, quartier sensible de Port-au-Prince, champ…