Day: September 21, 2018
Sénateur Beauplan : la preuve par quatre!
J’ai suivi, avec intérêt, l’intervention de l’ex-ministre de la planification, actuellement titulaire du poste de Secrétaire Général à la Présidence, Yves Germain Joseph, sur Scoop…
Vérité dans l’affaire Bernadette Tulmé ” au Consulat de la République d’Haïti à Orlando- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth Le Senateur Evaliere Beauplan a, personnellement, publie la note qui suit sur les reseaux sociaux: “La revocation de Bernadette Tulme Beauplan, l’epouse du senateur…
If we followed: LET HE WHO HATH NO SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE – Haiti would be at peace until the next Presidential Election. Everyone has a skeleton in his/her closet!
September 20, 2018 Unfortunately, the ongoing game is being messed up by people who are already trying to guarantee future game results – the…
The only black representative at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 was this Haitian voodoo priest
In 1919, Lecba Eliezer Cadet, a Haitian voodoo priest was the only black participant in the Paris Peace Conference on behalf of the Universal Negro…
$50,000 vèt Senateur Evalière Beauplan t’ap touche chak mwa nan lajan charyo ayeopò a sou Prezidan Privert. Yves Germain deklare nan mikro Scoop FM….
Inauguration of the new Minister of Defense
The Minister of Defense, Mr. Enold Joseph, was installed yesterday, Monday, September 17th. The ceremony was held at the Ministry premises in the presence of…
Haiti-Dominican Rep. Trade Exceeded 888 Million Dollars in 2017
Port-au-Prince, Sep 17 (Prensa Latina) The formal trade exchange between Haiti and the neighboring Dominican Republic reportedly reached 888.33 million dollars in 2017. More…