Day: October 17, 2011
Letter To Amnesty International
*Haiti Democracy Project*, 2011-10-17 International Secretariat Amnesty International London Greetings from the Haiti Democracy Project. We commend your report on Jean-Claude Duvalier, “You Cannot Kill…
“Who protects us from you?” – MINUSTAH and Haiti
By Kevin Edmonds Kevin Edmonds is a freelance journalist and doctoral student in Political Science at the University of Toronto. He is one of the…
Posted in Govt Incompentece
Sweet Micky’s Wild Ride
VOANews: Former Haitian pop-star-turned-president Michele Martelly abruptly canceled our TV interview. As a consolation, he invited VOA TV Correspondent Carolyn Presutti to join him in…
Posted in DAILY REPORTS-Direct From Haiti
About The Founder
MICHAEL COLLINS I was one of those kids who built model planes and dreamed of becoming a fighter pilot. After four years in university, gaining…