Day: September 15, 2011
Jamaica Broilers Forms Joint Venture in Haiti
Wisconsin AG Connection: Jamaica Broilers, a Jamaican company founded more than 50 years ago, has launched a joint venture in neighboring Haiti, with a local…
Ban Ki-Moon Sends Delegation to Haiti after Peacekeeper Rape Scandal
NEW YORK, USA ( – The Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon sent Wednesday in Port-au-Prince three senior UN officials as part of the corrective measures proposed after…
Photos from Port Salut: MINUSTAH Trash Piles, Murky Water Running Off from the Base-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth Herz There are further complaints against the UN’s Uruguayan peacekeeping battalion in Port Salut, beyond the incident captured on cell phone video detailed yesterday,…
Haitian senators propose withdrawal of UN troops over alleged rape case-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth 2011-09-07 SANTO DOMINGO, Sept. 6 (Xinhua) — Haitian senators are considering a proposal for a resolution calling for a phased withdrawal of UN troops…
UN, Uruguay, and the Literal and Systemic Rape of Haiti-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
By Ezili “It’s time for Haitian Parliament to void the Status of Force Agreement (SOFA) between Haiti and MINUSTAH signed by the unconstitutional and…
U.N. Troops Accused of Exploiting Local Women-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
By Ansel Herz Nerlande Nazaire says she has a child with a U.N. peacekeeper, who sends money regularly. Credit:Ansel Herz/IPS PORT SALUT, Sep 7, 2011…