After one week in the Palace Jesus Christ would beg to be returned to the Cross as a humane solution to His situation.
“Drive in another nail!”
“More thorns SVP!”
No one can cope with the existing situation, created by the years following the 1986 Duvalier departure for France. Since that point in time, each government has done its best to destroy the Nation.
The Martelly Presidency broke the chain.
It should have been followed by a Lamothe Presidency, as Martelly passed the load to Lamothe, but this was not to be.
Unfortunately, the criminal, unconstitutional year stolen by Privert reversed any gain that might have existed.
Privert’s team loaded the Civil Service with thousands of new people. They installed a PNH Director General Gedeon, and Bank Governor Jean Baden Dubois who worked like frenzied ferrets to destabilize the infrastructure to leave Jovenel Moise with an ongoing train wreck.
Jovenel Moise won the popular vote – TWICE!!
Jovenel Moise took over a Poisoned Palace, loaded with land-mines. Just a return
to zero was a major challenge, let alone accomplish anything.
Among other things, his KARAVAN CHANJMAN has accomplished much. Baraj
Maryon, solar farms, seed projects, road infrastructure.
We got rid of Gedeon, but not before he had effectively reduced the PNH to a non-effective element in our society. The recent video of panic-stricken PNH officers, running from terrorists, shows the PNH for what they are.
Unfortunately, Jean Baden Dubois, the guy who oversaw our drastic inflationary increase, has managed to hold on to his position.
We are witnessing a change of Ministers. Finance Minister Decembre was pressed to resign and he departed for the States with his new-found fortune. However, what use is the replacement of the Minister if you leave the Director General in place? The Minister’s departure removes some of the cancer, leaving malignant tumors in place, ready to kill the system – AGAIN!
The opposition has many comic-strip type characters to harass President Moise. Andre Michel, Moise Jean Charles, Latortue, Boulos, and a “cast of thousands.”
This time around, we have Foreign Sovereign Nations investing in the chaos. Maduro/Venezuela doesn’t care who knows he is funneling money to the Opposition. He want to “stick his finger” in Trump’s eye.
A more dangerous, and insidious threat come from the Peoples Republic of China as they shift their anti-American geopolitical game into the Haitian scene. Their goal is control of Hispaniola – the Dominican Republic/Haiti. Then they will have a base on America’s doorstep, much as Khrushchev had in Cuba during the “Cuban Missile Crisis.”
There is a certain frustration among the Opposition. The millions spent last Friday, resulted in a huge chaos that upset Haitian society. But this was followed by peaceful street the net day.
Watch for a major businessman to burn his own properties and blame it on President Moise.
We have received a heavy shock, via the Friday, September 27 paid violence. President Moise’s follow-up will set our course to the future.