Posted in Elections

Mission of Mayor of Montreal in Port-au-Prince

Haiti Libre: This Wednesday for his first international trip, the mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre, accompanied by a delegation of his city, began a 4-day…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Chicago filmmaker experiences life in Haiti while documenting philanthropist’s project

Jack Newell teaches Louis Davens how to work the camera. | Provided photo What am I doing here and why don’t I leave? Filmmaker Jack…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections

Brazilian commander to take over Haiti U.N. peacekeeping force

By Aaron Morrison Special to the Miami Herald UNITED NATIONS — Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Thursday appointed Lt. Gen. Jose Luiz Jaborandy, Jr., a Brazilian…

Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

Le Premier ministre rencontre les leaders de la communauté haïtienne de Santiago de Chile

Posted in FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

Moise Jean Charles, Samuel Madistin et RNDDH démasqués

Un juge canado-haïtien mort de cause naturelle, conclut le coroner Source : Le gouvernement Canadien a élucidé les causes troublantes de la mort du…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Haiti’s Shadow Sanitation System

by Jonathan M. Katz Russell Leon works under the cover of darkness as part of a small crew sworn to secrecy. He is a bayakou,…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections

Martelly – Lamothe, the right team for Haiti

By Adma Riché, Haii Hebdo The main objective of any political party or organization is to take power and occupy posts at all levels. Once…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

A Heart for Haiti: quality education a luxury for many kids

Sara Forhetz, Haiti is known as the poorest country in the world. The World Bank notes that more than 80-percent of Haitians live on…

Posted in Aristide/Preval


By TRENTON DANIEL Associated Press The lead defense attorney for Haiti’s former dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier has said judges will be responsible for a “civil war”…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Earthquake/CHOLERA

Back to Dark Days in Haiti?-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Nathalie Baptiste and Foreign Policy In Focus Members of Haiti’s new national military force (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery) This article is a joint publication of…