Day: March 9, 2014
Birthing Justice for Women in Haiti
Clotilde Josaime St. Jean Laura Carmichael Huffington Post: More than a century has passed since the first International Women’s Day, and as we look back…
International Haiti’s New Cardinal Celebrates First Mass
Haiti’s new Roman Catholic cardinal celebrated his first Mass on Sunday, telling an audience of several thousand people there is a need to show compassion…
Troubled Haitian-Dominican Bilateral Relations Await Progress
By Wilhelmina Agyapong, Council on Hemispheric Affairs | News Analysis Recent events have demonstrated that disputatious bilateral issues between the Dominican Republic (DR) and Haiti…
Hometown U: A smarter, stronger roof design for Haiti and beyond
Scott Hamel stands on his proof of concept model for his concrete roof at the Engineering Building on the campus of the University of Alaska…
Dallemand’s permanent residence is now Haiti, attorney says By JENNA MINK jmink@macon.comMarch 6, 2014 Former Bibb Superintendent Romain Dallemand JASON VORHEES/THE TELEGRAPH — Former Bibb County School Superintendent Romain Dallemand’s permanent…
Venezuela divisions deepen as protest over food shortages is halted
National Guardsmen prevent ‘empty pots’ march from reaching food ministry as Maduro government denounces US Associated Press in Caracas, Saturday 8 March 2014 23.38…