Posted in Govt Incompentece

Protest movement among students

Following the tragic incident happened Saturday evening at the Faculty of Law and Economics (FDSE) that caused the death of the student of 4th years,…

Posted in Crime/Corruption FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

Abattu froidement par un policier dans l’enceinte d’une faculté

Le Nouvelliste | Publié le : 2012-11-12 Valéry Daudier Des étudiants ont manifesté lundi pour réclamer justice pour leur camarade, Damaël D’Haïti, tué par balle samedi soir…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Merck donated $500,000 to CCISD for maternal health

Merck, a global healthcare leader announces a grant of $500,000 to the Center for International Cooperation in Health and Development (CCISD), based in Quebec City….

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Foreign, Haitian designers display work in Haiti

CBS Money Watch: PETIONVILLE, Haiti — World-class fashion has gone on display in impoverished Haiti. More than three dozen designers showed off their latest tropic-centric…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Govt Incompentece

2012/11/12 at 5:51 pm HAITI O!!!MENTEUR-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

HAITI O!!!MENTEUR L’ame Veritable Taking Action… Haiti Observateur seems to have finally barked up the wrong tree. Aside from the defamatory comments printed about…

Posted in Crime/Corruption FRENCH/CREOLE Articles Govt Incompentece


L’ancien chef de la police, Mario Andresol, serait sous residence surveillée! Depuis le week end écoulé on a constaté qu’un important nombre de policiers et…