Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

HAITI: Funding Dries Up Even as Rains Worsen Cholera Deaths

PORT-AU-PRINCE, May 18, 2012 (IPS) – As predicted, the beginning of the rainy season in Haiti brought exponential increases in the numbers of people sickened…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Govt Incompentece

Remnants of Haiti’s army march in the capital; two Americans and a Canadian among those arrested

Two Americans and a Canadian were among 46 people arrested during a demonstration in the capital. They are being held under suspicion of aiding Haiti’s…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

‘Pay the f*** up!’ Sean Penn turns the air blue in Cannes with expletive-ridden plea at Haiti Relief benefit

By Baz Bamigboye In Cannes It was the most lavish party in Cannes, with tickets going for a whopping $7,500 a pop. But Sean Penn…

Posted in Elections

Arizona elections chief seeks proof of Obama’s citizenship

(Reuters) – Arizona’s secretary of state said Friday he had asked officials in Hawaii to verify that Barack Obama was born in their state in…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Sean Penn and Friends Raise Over $1Mil at Cannes Bash

Sean Penn is serious about Haiti. He and director Paul Haggis combined their charitable efforts last night with supermodel Petra Nemcova’s, and they raised…