Posted in Crime/Corruption Elections

Haiti’s New Leader Faces Daunting Security Challenges

By Hannah Stone: As Haiti’s President Michael Martelly begins his first week in power, among the legions of challenges facing the new leader is breaking…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections

Global Update With World Support, an Ambitious Plan Would Vaccinate 90 Percent of Infants

Ramon Espinosa/Associated Press By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr Haiti, which did a poor job of vaccinating its children even before the 2010 earthquake, has come…

Posted in Aristide/Preval Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections

UN chief appoints new head of Haiti mission

The Sacramento BEE: UNITED NATIONS — Chile’s former foreign minister is the new U.N. envoy to Haiti. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced Monday that Mariano Fernandez…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Earthquake/CHOLERA

Man accused of fraud in Haiti project cancels Reno house-building event

A Reno businessman accused in a lawsuit and by former employees of defrauding churches and individuals in a plan to build homes in the U.S….

Posted in Elections FRENCH/CREOLE Articles


Fais suivre rapidement pour bloquer la tentative de fixation de prix. Cette fixation par le CONATEL empechera a la population de beneficier des retombees de…