Day: January 28, 2011
Preval buys Mistress luxury home using Haitian Treasury funds
Here is the house that President Rene Preval bought for his mistress using funds stolen from Haiti’s treasury. He also had Frantz Verella, Minister of…
Clinton Haiti Trip To Focus On Ballot-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
By JOSé DE CóRDOBA WALL STREET JOURNAL Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will travel to Haiti on Sunday in a bid to solve the earthquake-devastated…
Haiti aftermath: Self-government still a great fear
Thursday January 27, 2011 15:20 by Mark Weisbrot – The controversy over the return of Jean-Claude Duvalier, to Haiti, is in many ways a…
Despite Sensitivities, Scientists Seek to Solve Haiti’s Cholera Riddle
Summary- Martin Enserink Several cholera experts have told Science that nailing the source of the recent cholera outbreak in Haiti could potentially embarrass the United…
Confusion, trahison, illusion
La Nouvelliste: La plateforme politique INITE est au bord de l’implosion. Le candidat Jude Célestin, largué par les responsables de cette organisation, refuse toujours de…
Yéle Begins Vocational Training for Construction Jobs
PORT-AU-PRINCE, January 24, 2010: Yéle Corps has expanded to include job training. We continue to employ 2,000 workers cleaning streets and canals, but to this…
January 28, 2011 Two PNH officers were killed and one in Martissant yesterday. Another has been killed in downtown Port-au-Prince this morning. Some suggest political…
Duvalier breaks silence as U.S. gets tough
Jean-Claude `Baby Doc’ Duvalier apologized to his countrymen Friday as the U.S. stepped up pressure on the Haitian government to accept an OAS report. BY…
Duvalier soutenu par un ex-député US
AFP/LE FIGARO 22/01/2011 | Mise à jour : 08:30 Un ancien parlementaire républicain américain, Bob Barr, s’est rangé aux côtés de Jean-Claude Duvalier après l’appel…
Ga. Lawyers Angle for Duvalier Trust Money Atlanta, Georgia Posted By – Ben Mayer Last Updated On: 1/27/2011 6:56:09 PM — Jean-Claude Duvalier’s Atlanta legal team is trying to free $6…
Clear and present danger-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
Clear and present danger Jan 25th 2011, 21:50 by The Economist online JEAN-CLAUDE DUVALIER, the former dictator of Haiti, returned to his country last week…
Célestin resists calls to pull out of election
By JACQUELINE CHARLES Haitian presidential candidate Jude Célestin is resisting pressure from his political coalition to withdraw from the race and break an electoral…
Prominent blacks back call by Aristide to be allowed to return to homeland
Written by STAFF REPORT and WIRE SERVICE With ousted dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier back in Haiti, several prominent blacks have issued a call for another…