Here is the house that President Rene Preval bought for his mistress using funds stolen from Haiti’s treasury. He also had Frantz Verella, Minister of Public Works, expend over a million dollars American on a rebuild of Elizabeth Delatour’s home in Fursi, in the mountains above Petion-Ville. Friends have warned him that this malevolent, avaricious woman, with no moral values, will be seen as his personal “Michele Bennett.” This, of course, in an insult to Madame Duvalier who did many good works for the poor people of Haiti. Madame Duvalier created a vast childrens facility at Bon Repos while Elizabeth Delatour rebuilt her personal home in Fursi, above Port-au-Prince, with $1,000,000 , also stolen from Haiti’s treasury.
Preval has uses the Fursi mansion as his second White House. One would expect the people of this district would benefit from Preval’s presence. Whatever the gain is momentary. Preval has the EDH power turned on, to the are where Delatour’s home sits, only on the days he visits.
Has Elizabeth Delatour filed American tax forms, as required by Federal Law? Has she included the $900,000.00 on her global tax returns, required by American law for all Resident Aliens, even if the income is not earned within the United States. This must include the $1,000,000 spent on her Fursi property, plus anything else she has received, or stolen.
Interested parties can report this, or any other tax evasion, to the American Internal Revenue Service and share in a percentage of the sums involved. A nice reward for doing your duty as a citizen. Go to this link for details.
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And of course, here is the lucky lady leaning in to express her approval to President Preval.
just like Duvalier had been betrayed by Michelle Bennete whom they have allowed to enter in the country, walk in without having her paying back the damages she caused to the same by converting a young innocent men into a devil,so is her doing to preval. who used to be the president the people loved once.
But again as I said,he does not realized that she she will not be with him when things go wrong. It is written , the disgrace of a all mankind in that snake which deceived once.
Preval will have to live if God allows so,the rest of his life with that guilt that Duvalier had to live with for 25 years, My friend ask Jean Clause how has been his nights,knowing that the whole world has blamed him for the disgrace of Haiti,or how do you think his children feel when they walk into a classroom or show their ID.
I hope you have the strength to carry on your own burden after the party