August 31, 2013
These guys are about to waste more valuable executive time in another pointless, rude, uncoordinated show of ignorant stupidity, perhaps punctuated with another riot in which legs will be broken, noses bloodied and reputations left in tatters.
Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe should prepare himself for this now – stupid – confrontation, by investigating the past character flaws, of the Deputies – shielded by Parliamentary Immunity – and start he meeting with a simple listing of the facts.
As someone once said : “Let he who hath no sin, caste the first stone.”
The Chamber of Deputies, and Senate have so many buried, and unburied skeletons that we are always astonished at the fact they have the audacity to challenge Laurent Lamothe for his major flaw – trying to reduce corruption, run an efficient government, and build a better Haiti.
Let us get on with solving the Nation’s pressing problems.
This should be possible without paying our Senators and Deputies massive bribes to vote “yes” for initiatives that will benefit Haiti’s 9,000,000 citizens.
We are not optimistic.
Once a crooked politician – always a crooked politician and Haiti has more than its fair share of these.
Give the Martelly/Lamothe team a chance to create a better Haiti.
After this article they may have a change of mind.
I sure hope they have a change of mind!! I cannot believe the amount of corruption these foolish people get themselves into with just a small amount of power in their hands.
I say, hang them all for their crimes, and let’s get on with making Haiti a better place FOR EVERYONE.
It is easy for me to write this from my comfortable house in the mountains of the USA, where clean water comes from the ground, and my soil grows healthy food. Haiti deserves the same thing.
Martelly- having your administration only enforce the convenient laws is KILLING HAITI. Grow some balls and arrest the corrupt ones that are so deep in cocaine they forget what their jobs are. Unless of course, you are one of them too. Show the world that you love your country and do something about this.
Interpellation du Ministre de la Coopération Externe, Laurent Lamothe :
Habile manœuvre ou Inconsciente initiative de quelques députés?
A un moment où des critiques à l’encontre du Président de la République et de son Gouvernement fusent de toutes parts, un groupe de députés ont annoncé ce matin leur décision de procéder à l’interpellation du Premier Ministre Laurent Lamothe, en sa qualité de Ministre chargé de la Coopération Externe.
Dans ce contexte national,
il est important de se poser des questions pertinentes sur le bien-fondé de cette initiative.
En effet, selon la Constitution tout acte d’interpellation doit se solder par un vote de confiance ou de rejet du Gouvernement ou du Ministre en question. Cet acte d’interpellation, tout le monde le sait, y compris les députés qui ont pris cette initiative, aura comme conséquence l’adoption d’un vote de confiance en faveur du Ministre Lamothe, qui est en même temps le chef du Gouvernement.
Quel est alors l’intérêt d’un tel vote de confiance pour le Premier Ministre dans un contexte national où le Président en premier lieu et les membres de son gouvernement sont vertement critiqués par presque tous les secteurs organisés du pays.
Pour de nombreux observateurs, en dotant le Premier Ministre d’une nouvelle fonction parlementaire, une telle initiative vise en tout et pour tout à le placer aux yeux de l’internationale en position d’alternative dans toutes perspectives de chambardement des institutions du pays.
En définitive, cette interpellation ne vise qu’au renforcement de l’image d’un homme aux dépens du reste du gouvernement.
Romeo Halloun
I don’t know… Part of their mandate is checking on the executive, and make sure the books are in order. That’s how our democracy is supposed to work.
PM Lamothe should normally answer with numbers and facts, not more pernicious politics.
Haiti has seen so much corruption that ALL members of government, elected officials and civil servants also, should be fully accountable for the management of their function. As I see it, any request for more transparency should be welcome, as that helps fight corruption, which is way too high on the list of things to fix.