Via an Air France flight on Sunday, January 16th, 2011, Jean-Claude Duvalier made a surprise return to the country he had left 25 years ago-Duvalier was met at the airport by a mob of supporters who jostled him and his wife Veronique as they departed the terminal.
His arrival at the Hotel Caraibe was chaotic as the road was packed with cheering supporters and a swarm of journalists. Many did not gain access to the President but photographed him as he waved to his cheering supporters from a balcony.
Duvalier flew to Haiti on a recently issued passport and will return to France within a week.
The next few days should be interesting.
As we left the reception, word came to us of Preval’s resignation. This was at 11:02 P.M. and we were unable to confirm this rumor.
Jean Claude Duvalier should be placed under house arrest. He went to exile with over $ 800,000,000 from the Haitian coffer. Apparently he is penniless now. They should not allow his former tonton macoutes and leopards [war criminals]to aggregate around him because those thugs were ruthless killers.
As I said earlier, this is not a surprise. Preval is married with delatour, faithful member of the Duvalier regime.i hope u can all remember that I said that before.preval has stopped to be who he used to be since his second wedding. It has been since then the woman decision not Preval never the preval we knew from before. the man I in love of the devil. u all saw what and how much she has stolen already,wait now for Jean Claude to take the rest of what is left.this time, we are in serious issues.
Preval has proven to his wife that he is a man of his word. he took back to Haiti Has he promised to his wife and she had fulfilled her mission.NowwhaT ABOUT ARISTID RAUL CEDRAS,HENRY NANPHY AND THE OTHERS? none of those were part of the promise