It is really wild outside. Wind and driven rain assails the house, creating noises that prevent sleep and my mind creates images of the hundreds of thousands who are trapped outside in make-shift shelters. Terrified children; Their parents unable to do anything.
It is an impossible situation, and many will die-unremarked.
Many more will die later due to Pneumonia and Cholera.
By starting a pass offshore- to the South, then swinging North across Haiti, Hurricane Isaac is not disorganized by the mountains, creating a worst-case scenario.
Torrents of water sweep everything away in their path. Flimsy shelters do to stand a chance. Some will be buried in mudslides, while others will just drown.
I will survive unharmed. But what about my Brothers and Sisters?
7:30 AM and 500 HOUSES GONE IN Marche Dessaline, and this is just one area of permanent dwellings. One can imagine the devastation in the tent camps; Unable to move out of the way of the onslaught of the storm.
Trees and rocks block the roads. Heavy rain, but no wind.