Haiti Libre.com
Wednesday in Hanoi (capital of Vietnam) former President Michel Joseph Martelly intervened at the Tourism Summit of the Vietnam Economic Forum (VIEF2018) in front of a very select audience of investors and tour operators where he promoted Haiti with passion, inviting Vietnamese investors to seize the opportunities in Haiti.
Excerpts from the intervention of former President Martelly :
“[…] Between countries who believe in their beautiful culture, who believe in themselves and both of whom are destined to be gateways who in the Caribbean who in Southeast Asia, Gateway to a planned tourism because part of a strategic development policy.
[…] when we have so many opportunities in common, visionaries, we can combine our assets for in this world become village, articulate a strategy to strengthen this industry for the benefit of our economies
[…] It is to you that I propose, you the investors of the sector, you the tour operators, you of the banking sector… to go to plant your flag next to ours on the resorts and hotels, enclaves and infrastructure of dreams… to the doors of the Caribbean Sea
[…] You will excuse my passion perhaps, but ‘mwen gen nouvel pou nous ! Ayiti djamb’, the Haiti of President Joseph Martelly, the Haiti of the late my friend René Préval, the Haiti of Jean-Bertrand Aristide can overcome his worries, which country does not have any ? Yes we can overcome our differences to welcome your investments
[…] Together, I tell you, we make miracles, together I tell you, we can open new roads, the road of the sun. Because Haiti, my beloved Haiti has untapped opportunities […]”
The day before, the Martelly couple’s Rose et Blanc Foundation (FREB) officially became a member of the network of 100+ collaborators of the National University of Agriculture of Vietnam (VNUA), following the signature between Sophia Martelly, President FREB of a memorandum of understanding of cooperation with the VNUA and the professor Nguyen Thi Lan President of the University. As part of this cooperation, the two parties will set up a scholarship program and a short-term training program for students in the agricultural sector, with the support of the Haitian private sector and the private sector in Vietnam.