This Sunday, in his 20th day of his hunger strike, the Deputy Arnel Bélizaire was rushed to the hospital of Canapé vert following the deterioration of his health, and and having supposedly lost consciousness that night, according to the latest available information it would be in the intensive care unit (ICU).
Recall that the Deputy had accepted Thursday that be administered to him an infusion of saline intravenously, which will allow him to continue his hunger strike without endangering his life…
An ad hoc Bicameral Commission “responsible for well study the political situation and the appropriateness of momentum, to analyze the objectives pursued and support the Parliamentarian […]” was also formed the deputy demands the resignation of Me Anel Alexis Joseph, President of the Court of Cassation and of Superior Council of the Judiciary he contests the legitimacy due to its proximity to the Head of State, the release of political prisoners and an explanation of the management of the fund of support to Parliament supplied by the United States Agency for International Development.
Thursday the deputy mentioned unambiguously, the possibility of continue its fight in the future, with arms in hand