MANAGUA, Nicaragua ( – The President of Haiti said on Friday that he supports steps to finally hold Haiti’s overdue elections, but also said the need to restore balance in the political system can only be satisfied by holding elections annually in Haiti from 2013 to 2020.
Specifically, President Michel Martelly was referring to the Haitian electoral system that has been in shambles for more than a decade; at all levels of government, in the Executive and Legislative branches, elected officials are essentially functioning out of cycle, out of mandate, and in a continuously improvised state. This can only be repaired by successive elections from 2013 to 2020, said the President of the Republic.
Martelly was asked if he could give assurance that elections, that were due to be held in November 2011, will be held in Haiti in 2013. To which he responded:
“In front of the nation, I will assure them that all the institutions need are on their feet, I have reinforced the institutions. Before the nation I will say that I have left everything available so the institutions can function…”
President Martelly reiterated the fact that he did attempt, in vain, to establish a Permanent Electoral Council in 2012 but waited 7 months for Parliamentarians to provide 3 names for this council which ultimately was never realized.
Martelly reminded the nation, during his press availability, that his Prime Minister had multiplied, in one week,nearly a half dozen meetings with the electoral council, international partners, and other parties towards holding elections. 360 million HTG was given to the electoral council by the Haitian state thus far and another 310 million HTG is expected to follow up.
To these ends, the Haitian Head of State says his administration has an unrelenting desire to see elections held and consecutively every year until at least 2020 to bring the cycles in order.
“If we have elections in this year, we will have elections from 2013 to 2020. We will need to have elections every year.”
This declaration comes after the U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden held a phone conversation with President Michel Martelly encouraging for elections to be held in 2013 and promising U.S. support. VP Biden’s comments were opposite to those reported by the U.S. Ambassador to Haiti, Pamela White, who said elections would not be possible in 2013 because the U.S. does not want to pay for annual elections in Haiti.
It was only a couple hours after the arrival of the Haitian Head of State, President Michel Martelly and the Head of Government, Laurent Lamothe, in Managua, Nicaragua that the press was given the availability of about 30 minutes. The two top administration officials were also joined by Senator Wencesclass Lambert (Sud-Est/Inite)
It was at the site of the VIII Summit of the PetroCaribe Agreement, where Heads of States and Governments of 21 countries will come to ratify resolutions towards establishing a PetroCaribe Economic Zone.
Why would the politians what to change the way things are in haiti now,they are extremly rich,did you know that Ex-présidents Aristides net-Worth is larger than all US and Canada and France expresidents net Worth put together.This is fact-Know one does or says nothing about how all of the senators and deputys enrich theirselves in the name of the poor suffering in Haiti-God help this country
Ki jan pou eleksyon dwe bon lè yon moun pa gen okenn kapab jwenn Nasyonal la Kat ID pou plis pase sis mwa ak Mesye Menard, Mesye Martelly and Mesye Biamby pa pran swen eseye ranje pwoblèm?
How can elections be good when a person no can get National ID Card for more than six months and Mr. Menard, Mr. Martelly and Mr. Biamby do not care to try fix problem?