The Nation awakes from last night’s “Nightmare” to discover it was reality!
It really happened!
Interim Prime Minister Lapin was assaulted in our Senate chambers!
The second meeting ended in chaos!
Senator Don Kato, and his opposition associates, went to the Senate meeting last night with a wish to see the Prime Minister’s situation resolved, only to find that President Moise’s team had created a new scenario that saw the evening rapidly dissolve into complete and total disaster, from which a recovery seems doubtful.
For once, we must say the opposition Senators were correct in their complaints.
Senate President Cantave, yet again, demonstrated his complete and total lack of control over Senate activities. He was just another passenger in the automobile, along for the ride.
It is as if we drove our car into a very tight parking place, with no reverse gear in our transmission.
And, in the background, Gonaives is sending messages.
Except for schools, reports suggest that activity has stopped, no violence, no chaos, just open schools, and a demonstration of public dissatisfaction with the nation’s present situation.
Two or three more population centers, taking this type of action, and our government could collapse.
Jeremie…. Cap Haitien….
What then?
That is today’s question, facing the Haitian and International Community.
We could see things rapidly accelerate beyond anyone’s control.
The Nation is teetering on the verge of a really big, disastrous event!