June 11, 2018
Many in the Palace try to keep their feet in at least two camps. This philosophy weakens the government of Jovenel Moise and may, in the short-run, lead to our government’s collapse.
Unfortunately, this is the goal of many involved, believing that PHTK or LAVALAS will be there to gain control of the pieces.
This may be the end result.
However, those involved ignore the American wish – the completion of Jovenel Moise’s term. The American administration – along with the International Community – have invested a fortune in Jovenel’s government and will react badly to opposition efforts to endanger their project. Anyone derailing the Democratic concept had better consider the potential personal fall-out. Many are involved in the drug/money-laundering sector, and are tolerated by the American legal system.
“Tolerance,” does not mean the Americans are unaware of the players.
Haiti’s “streets” are aware of the players.
The American system is capable of “selective”
prosecution and could well sweep up a few well-known players if they persist in their activities.
The Nation was stunned when President Michel Martelly picked Jovenel Moise as his candidate for the Presidency. Most had expected Laurent Lamothe to be the one to replace Martelly in the Palace.
Jovenel Moise won the popular vote – TWICE – as the criminal Privert held onto his illegal Presidency with the assistance of many in our Senate. Privert’s original plan was the creation of a situation in which Senate President Youri Latortue would head some sort of provisional government on into the future.
Jovenel would be toast.
It didn’t work this way and our friends expect a completion of Jovenel’s Presidency with a Democratic transition to the next President, whomever that might be.