Day: August 25, 2017
U.S. welcome mat shuns Haitian immigrants- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
Immigration from the Caribbean island nation of Haiti continues to be dismally low throughout the U.S., which has spurred an exodus to Canada for fear…
Reforestation project makes impact in Haiti, looks to grow
The Haiti Reforestation Partnership took the old adage about teaching a man to fish to heart. In a decades-long effort to improve the quality of…
Court Dismisses Remaining Lawsuit Against U.N. on Haiti Cholera- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
The last remaining class-action lawsuit against the United Nations over the cholera epidemic in Haiti was thrown out Thursday by a federal judge, who upheld…
Voilà pourquoi les 4 haïtiens ont été assassinés en prison en Republic Dominican
La nouvelle a été annoncée jeudi 17 août dernier dans la presse dominicaine et reprise par notre rédaction. Mais le mystère planait encore sur les…
Haitian Students Thank Venezuela for Medical Training
The recent graduates praised the teachings of Chavez which showed them a new perspective on society and public health. Some 58 medical students from the…