Day: March 16, 2015
Haiti’s Only Film School Celebrates 10 Years Cine Institute graduates with Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis, fashion photographer Marc Baptiste (center), and Artists Institute founder David Belle By Vania Andre For some…
Delta Cancels Service From New York To Haiti
By Vania Andre Beginning March 29, Delta will no longer provide daily service from New York’s John F. Kennedy (JFK) airport to Port-au-Prince (PAP), the…
Haitian President Tightens Grip as Scandal Engulfs Circle of Friends-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
By FRANCES ROBLES MARCH 16, 2015 Photo President Michel Martelly, center, seated beside Prime Minister Evans Paul, left, and the first lady, Sophia Martelly, right….
Haïti – Élections : Le Premier Ministre Lamothe, encourage la diaspora à voter au prochain scrutin
30/05/2014 11:09:12 Jeudi, le Premier Ministre, Laurent Lamothe, a rencontré une importante délégation de la diaspora haïtienne et souhaité ardemment que nos compatriotes vivant en terre…
Modernization of the Haitian airspace
Haiti Libre: The International Air Transport Association (IATA), Airbus ProSky and Haiti’s Office National de L’Aviation Civile (OFNAC) announced completion of a joint project to…
Haiti Elections 2015 Date Set After Years Of Delays, Months Of Protests-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
Thomas Barrabi @TBarrabi Haiti’s President Michel Martelly addressed the audience during the opening ceremony of a Marriott hotel in Port-au-Prince, Feb. 24, 2015. Reuters…
Rapport d’audit de 41 contrats signés par le Ministère de la Planification et de la Coopération Externe (MPCE) avec des entreprises haïtiennes et étrangères, sous…
UN AUTRE CRIMINEL PÉNÈTRE DANS LE JEU Haiti: Jean Max Bellerive annonce sa participation aux prochaines élections- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth
PORT-AU-PRINCE – L’ancien chef du gouvernement et ministre de la Planification sous le second mandat de René Préval, Jean Max Bellerive, rejette les allégations de…