Posted in Elections


October 11, 2010 Jean-Henry Ceant flew into Cap Haitian to be greeted by many welcoming citizens. He then set off for another meeting with Senator…

Posted in Elections

Haiti: who speaks for Lavalas in the elections?Who will Lavalas support?

Submitted by Weekly News Update on Mon, 10/11/2010 – 21:33. In a letter sent to US secretary of state Hillary Clinton the week of Oct….

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

In Haiti, a father’s lessons withstand the earthquake

The lessons a Haitian father taught his son can’t be crushed in the rubble of mere concrete and stone. Sony Jacques waits with other injured…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Haïti – Sociale : Sarodj Bertin nommée femme de l’anné

Le comité organisateur des 8ème Latins Award 2010, a annoncé qu’à l’unanimité, le comité avait élu Sarodj Bertin (Miss Haïti), Femme de l’année. La très…

Posted in Elections Govt Incompentece

Members of Congress are right to urge changes to Haiti’s criminal electoral process-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian Truth

By Nicole Phillips – 10/11/10 09:19 AM ET On November 28, Haiti faces some of the most important presidential and legislative elections since its election…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Elections FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

La sénatrice du Centre, Edmonde S. Beauzile, dénonce la circulation d’armes illégales dans son département

Elle met en cause des candidats de la plateforme officielle INITE dimanche 10 octobre 2010, Radio Kiskeya La sénatrice du Centre, Mme Edmonde Supplice Beauzile…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Elections FRENCH/CREOLE Articles

Les accusations de distributions d’armes se précisent

Les graves accusations de l’ex Premier Ministre Jacques Edouard Alexis, relatives à des distributions d’armes à feu par des proches du gouvernement ont été reformulées…