Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections

Sex, death and slaves: Welcome to Haiti’s horror carnival

Blood and black magic flow through Haiti’s history – as photographer Leah Gordon discovered when she went to Mardi Gras in the port town of…

Posted in Aristide/Preval Crime/Corruption Elections Govt Incompentece

Haitian President on tour to Venezuela, Cuba and Jamaica with elections in mind

VHeadline News Editor Patrick J. O’Donoghue reports: Haitian President Rene Preval is on a tour of Cuba, Jamaica and Venezuela in an attempt to muster…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA FRENCH/CREOLE Articles Govt Incompentece

Haïti: la reconstruction au point mort

01.07.2010 “Haïti: la reconstruction au point mort”- Michèle Striffler (PPE, F), Rapporteur Permanent du Parlement européen pour l’aide humanitaire Michèle STRIFFLER, Rapporteur Permanent pour l’Aide…

Posted in Crime/Corruption Elections Govt Incompentece

Préval closes door on elections panel revamp-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

BY JACQUELINE CHARLES PORT-AU-PRINCE — Haitian President René Préval said Wednesday that suggestions by a ranking Republican on the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA Elections Govt Incompentece

Haiti’a Camps of Despair-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Port-au-Prince- A raucous crowd surges from between two rows of tightly packed tents in Camp Dadadou, and from the middle of it, a young woman…

Posted in Earthquake/CHOLERA

Brazil’s Stunning World Cup Loss Reportedly Drives Fan to Suicide

Holland’s (The Netherlands) surprise 2-1 upset over World Cup powerhouse team Brazil today in a quarterfinals match is being felt all over the world, for…