Premier Ministre Evans Paul |
nvité ce mercredi 14 janvier 2015 à la rubrique du journaliste Valéry Numa sur Radio Vision 2000, le Premier ministre a annoncé la formation du gouvernement d’ici la fin de cette semaine. Pour Evans Paul, il s’agira d’un gouvernement de consensus ayant à sa tête un rassembleur, qui se met au service de son pays, de ses concitoyens; en d’autres termes, un gouvernement qui reflètera les différentes tendances et sensibilités politiques.
« Je suis prêt à défendre les intérêts du peuple haïtien, et non des intérêts individuels », a rassuré le Premier ministre, tout en se félicitant que ce gouvernement d’ouverture intégrera, outre des personnalités de la classe politique, mais également – pour la première fois dans le pays – au moins une personnalité venant directement d’une ville de province où elle vit.
Le Premier ministre s’est voulu réaliste en se gardant de révéler la date d’organisation des prochaines élections. Car, dit-il, « il faut la formation d’un CEP, seule institution habilitée à élaborer un calendrier électoral ». Mais ces élections, garantit-il, « seront inclusives, transparentes et démocratiques. Mon gouvernement veut y travailler. Ce sera ma position qui va me guider dans ce sens .
After your critical items about Evans Paul you are very fair, Mr. Collins. Haiti must have a chance.
Unfortunately, Evans Paul has already made some declarations, that worry me.
The interviewer asked Evans Paul about Aristide. Paul replied that Aristide was his friend. He then went on to say that Aristide headed a political party that represented the vast majority of Haiti’s poor and was vastly popular. When asked about the legal actions against Aristide Paul effectively gave a “non-answer” that made the legal actions look baseless.
The interview leaves me giving Paul a 2 out of 10 rating.
What is this garbage about Aristide being his friend?!!! The Priest tried to kill him.
As for Aristide leading a political party that is true. It doesn’t – however, represent the vast majority of the poor. He is past history and only maintains a presence – although a dangerous one – via his vast pool of cocaine currency.
Michel Martelly has the vast support of Haiti’s poor.
Looks like Paul will weasel on the legal questions.
In other words, the entire purpose of having Evans Paul as a neutralizer for Aristide is worth zero.
Already, groups are moving to block or remove Evans Paul, leading us into another of those useless endless transitions.
Haiti really has no luck.
Evans Paul wants the Martelly throne and will quickly.
A leopard does not change his spots.
Evans Paul is a terrorist.
A greedy terrorist.
Evans Paul is being politically correct to protect his political future or create one. He envisions the presidency. I never trusted Evans, but he is weak and should be very careful. I believe Martelly chose Paul as a distraction and never expected him to be ratified by Parliament. Paul no longer has any Political friction and we all know if political friction is missing no moves can be made. Paul will do as Martelly says or find his life very miserable. I believe Martelly chose him because he is Politically weak and made too many enemies for him to rely on any allies. Evans is a day by day politician without any certainties. With Parliament being dessolved Aristide lost a lot of power and if Martelly is smart he will keep it that way.