Haiti’s barrier to holding of crucial elections now lifted-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth


Joseph Guyler Delva (author)

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PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (HCNN) — Haiti’s barrier to the holding of crucial overdue elections has now been lifted with the end of the term of the legislature, opening the possibility for the Caribbean country’s leader to issue a decree to facilitate the organization of the ballot which has long been blocked by recalcitrant opposition Senators.

Haitian President Michel Martelly is expected to issue an executive order to facilitate the holding of elections to renew two thirds of the 30-member Senate and the entire lower chamber within the next few months, which will allow Parliament to be functional again.

Martelly said he has no plans to abuse his power to rule by decree in the absence of the legislature whose constitutional term expired on Monday, while assuring that he would take an executive order only when it is absolutely necessary, such as a decree to declare elections.

“My plan is not really to rule by decree but one decree that I will issue is to declare elections, which is absolutely necessary,” Martelly told HCNN on Tuesday.

The country will also hold a presidential ballot by October this year to elect the successor of President Martelly whose constitutional term expires in February 2016.

Now, only 10 out of 30 senators remain in office and they cannot hold any session because a quorum of at least 16 Senators is required, which means they will not be able to make any decision.

Martelly’s critics have blamed him for failing to take the necessary measures to hold elections in time to avoid the dysfunction of Parliament, while others cast the blame of Parliament’s caducity on recalcitrant opposition Senators who have been blocking Parliament, since April last year, from passing the legislation needed to facilitate the ballot.

Lawmakers had until midnight on Sunday to meet and pass the legislation in which they were allowed to extend their term until April, for the members of the Lower Chamber (Chamber of Deputies), and until September for Senators.

However, a significant number of senators boycotted on Sunday a joint session which would have opened the way for such an outcome, before the official end of their term, on January 12.

In the meantime, several opposition parties joined President Martelly in signing an agreement to aid the electoral process which has been stalling because of a lack of political will on the part of several sectors and actors.

President Martelly, the newly-appointed Prime Minister, Evans Paul, and political adversaries continue with political talks to smooth the progress of efforts to form a consensus government to replace the resigning cabinet of former Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe, in a move to ease the general political atmosphere, as preparations for the balloting progress.


Parliament committed suicide and this is no real loss to Haiti. This body is the major blockage to having Democracy in Haiti. A vote for Prolongation would have been a major constitutional illegality.  Better to let the criminals slip into the sunset.
Elections in December, not October.
October, is this another Haitian effort to destroy everything. How can you elect a new president in October and expect the country to function until the inauguration in 2016??
They should have an election for the Chambre of Deputies/Senate in October with the Presidential election in December. Forget about all the other 8000 positions. Appoint these.


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1 thought on “Haiti’s barrier to holding of crucial elections now lifted-Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

  1. Haiti is at a perfect position to rise up out of the depths of corruption. All they need to do is make sure they keep all the corrupted unpatriotic politicians out of the new Parliament. We need a team in there that think like Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe (infrastructure and investments). The President should also make some constitutional corrections with the power of decree. Also Create a small well armed Haitian navy because Dominicans are getting out of “line” literally. I also believe Haiti’s Parliament needs a Congress like law the does not leave the selection of a prime minister in the hands of a corrupted Members of Parliament. The president should be able to select his prime minister who is a born-citizen of Haiti and whom has a clean criminal record. or leave it up to the people to vote in a prime minister. Also I do not believe the Haitian parliament members should have “domestic” immunity unless they are on their way to vote in parliament. Their diplomatic immunity should only be for when they go abroad not when they are in their own country.

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