Even as Michel Martelly widens the gap between him and Mirlande Manigat, the lady reneges on deal with Youri Latortue. There is an old Creole proverb that says…”These two men don’t need a Bill of Sale to sell a horse…” Well now, this Senator and Presidential Candidate do need a written agreement, to seal a deal made many months ago. Now Mirlande Manigat has gon back on her word and refuses to make a formal agreement, so sure is she of winning the election, with or without Latortue.
The most recent real poll of possible voters shows Martelly with 55%, Manigat with 24% and the rest undecided.
And Manigat would rather seen as a person with no Word than to ratify and earlier agreement that saw Latortue throw his support behind her for a few millions. Where Manigat planned to get these millions is not a challenging question. Haiti’s treasury would suffer, yet again.
my dear friend, please take a very close look at the face of the so called fake mothers face,try to study her lies and you will come to the same conclusion I came.
there are nothing but undercover lies in all her speeches and so called moral figure knowing that there can not be any moral coming from a Mambo. ask those in Haiti now that r scare to answer their movile phone when it rings now,from ervry coner in Haiti.
I the Radio in Haiti it seems like thre were no Martely campain it is all bad about the men and all good about the devil yet again.
do I doubt the lady qualification and performance, never. But, be an other intellect just like Aristid and all the other polititians,who done nothing better than bringing us deeper than were we have been before,we are tired of the same for so long.
Mrs. Manigat will never accept free education just like Micher Martely,Wyclef Jean, michael Jeand and so many others want it,because she herself owns, who know howmany private school.
You can give education to the poor,but need their vote, I know haitian are fool,but for someone who can read and know so much of education why is it so hard to see that this knowledge u have yourself need to be spread to the whole country with quick and free access. No it has to be a luxur like alwys,so that only a certain group can afford it.´poor machan dlo,boyo like my mother whose soul is resting,manchan amba lavil bo lari ya et tout lot yo ki pa mem ka mange alewe pou voye pitit yo lekol.
Mezami gade sou ST Doming,educatyou an gratis wi sou tout nivo wi mezami. So you r going to give me a president who at least can not bring free educatio for the poor. who knows so much about letters,
vote tet kale ki toujou kale e peson pa jam bat tet kale. 20 mars bone bone #68 bef la. Vote Miche Martely.