01/08/2014 10:26:33
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On official visit to Haiti since Tuesday, Jean-Pierre Bel, President of the French Senate, visited Thursday the Senate. Senator Desras, President of the Senate of the National Assembly, after a private meeting with his French counterpart, has issued a speech tinged of opposition by launching a few critical “diplomatic” against the Government, taking care not to raise any responsibility of the Senate in the current crisis but not hesitating to accuse the international community of complicity, calling on world leaders to show more intelligence…
Excerpts from the speech of the President of the Senate, Simon Dieuseul Desras :
“[…] Honorable President Jean-Pierre Bel,
Immersion of French Senators in economic and social life of their country and the action they drive at international level in the field of fundamental rights, give them a role as a relay with their fellow citizens as to the citizens of the world, especially those in countries affected by underdevelopment.
The Senate of Haiti, established by the Constitution of 1806, drew on the same Republican source and developed a national sensibility that has made it a bulwark against authoritarianism and its corollary, the social misery. Today, the Senate is part of the collective imagination like an assembly of vigils to protect the people in their daily lives, develop the blueprint for its future and guarantees the exercise and enjoyment of their inalienable rights. It has an urgent and constant need for interparliamentary solidarity to straighten the disintegrations of Governance, penalize players who go astray on the road all traced of constitutional legality, foster by all odds the affirmation of the democratic legitimacy of the polls held after the deadlines set by the Constitution and the law, to the satisfaction of all the observatories that promote the values of honesty, freedom, openness, civics and democracy.
The Senate of Haiti is still engaged in a situation of hardship where the art of governing suffered the worst distortions jeopardizing the institutional balance and the public peace. Governed by laws is a challenge that can not succeed those who have never been introduced to the spirit to obey the rules in their path.
The Senate of Haiti, obsessed by the need to build the rule of law and to guarantee access of masses of men and women to freedom, physical integrity, life, social rights, economic and cultural mobilizes its ways of thinking and acting.
There is no choice, face blocking programmed of public service institutions and of sovereignty, proven by the inability of the executive to renew the deposed political staff or on end of term, than to contain in a dialectical combining pugnacity to compunction, responsibility understanding, compliance with procedures consensual, the dialogue to the imputability…
From the number of supranational authorities parading in Haiti for some time at the bedsidethere are none, Ban Ki-moon, Indrawati, Van Rompuy and other old hands of governance to show a greater understanding of men and things of that situation.
[…] These emissaries of the leading powers have lost all conception of right and unjust, of desirable and unacceptable and are surprised to blind eye to the basic concepts of their own teachings, the primer of their democratic catechism.
Honourable President Jean-Pierre Bel,
The Senate of Haiti notes with bitterness that the gurus of democratic governance do not know where to turn face the irritants of form and substantive who basking activities and sterilize the current politico-administrative experience… However, they frame with their sneaky pleased.
Why the great leaders of the global village they not take the necessary conclusions […] support a system of dependence servants who have never held elections for nearly four years in Haiti and keep a complicit silence on the questionable use of funds for post-quake reconstruction of our country.
Of ten billion allocated to finance this reconstruction — whose we have not yet seen any sample meantime — Four billion has been disbursed to fill the coffers of NGOs and only ten percent of these funds were granted to the State, described as corrupt and bad manager, despite a concert of scandals splashing NGOs unable of accountability.
[…] We, the leaders of the Temples of collective and democratic deliberations, must put our voices in unison, our actions in synergy for a fairer, more caring world and more balanced.
The Senate of Haiti appreciate at its highest value, the visit and the significance of your presence among us, in these times of uncertainty and descent into hell…
We have choices to make to safeguard and strengthen our democratic institutions and build our history people.
We expect you Mr. Bel and the French Senate at the rendezvous of the democracy, political stability and social peace in Haiti.
May God watch over Haiti and France !”