Port-au-Prince, Haiti – The Cabinet Caleb Jean Baptiste et Associés issued a summons against nine (9) Haitian political representatives, vigorously denouncing any project aimed at establishing a so-called presidential council, described as illegal and contrary to the Constitution.
Lawyers Caleb Jean Baptiste, Frenel Charles, Wadeline Gabriel, Dieukyl Duvelsaint and Bulost Dorime, committed members of the Bloc of Lawyers for the Liberation of Political Prisoners, publicly challenged the political actors involved in the formation of this unauthorized presidential council, according to them. .
The summons, written with firmness, details, in their opinion, the unconstitutional nature of any attempt to create a presidential body not provided for by the 37-year-old parent law. It also highlights the severe legal consequences to which those who take this path are exposed, in particular prosecution for usurpation of title and function.
The lawyers appealed to the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes to reject any request for funding or tenders from this so-called presidential council, claiming that such actions would be in flagrant violation of the law and the Constitution.
This approach, according to lawyers, aims to protect the constitutional integrity of the country and prevent any form of usurpation of power. It also reminds political leaders of their obligation to respect the laws and democratic institutions in force.
Finally, the summons warns recipients of the serious legal consequences that would result from their refusal to comply with this legal requirement, emphasizing that justice will not tolerate the abuse of power and the violation of the Haitian Constitution.