Strong of its commitment to social for several years the First Lady of the Republic of Haiti, Mrs. Sophia Martelly, has committed to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the vulnerable population. She uses her position as the wife of the Head of State, to advocate in favor of most disadvantaged and those left behind by policy makers.
Recently, Sophia Martelly undertook a surprise tour, of listening and sharing of ideas with certain personalities of municipalities and communal sections of the country and brings her contribution in some development projects by sharing the complaints with the Executive for the necessary follow. For the first part of her visit, the First Lady visited the departments of North, Northeast and Northwest.
In the Departments of North and North-East, the wife of President Martelly, visited the municipalities and communal sections of : Pilate, Borgne, Port Magot, Limonade, Grande Rivière du Nord, Phaéton, Dérac, Mont Organisé, Bahon, Fort-Liberté, Ranquitte, Mont-Organisé, Ouanaminthe, Acul du Nord, Plaine du Nord, Camp Louise. She met with the residents of these areas and collected their grievances and to the extent possible, will intervene to give them a better life.
In the department of Northwest, Sophia Martelly met with residents of communal sections of : Bassin Bleu, Chansolme, Aubert, Tifond, Gachina, Lacroix, Anse-à-foleur, Bonneau, St Louis du Nord, La pointe des palmistes, Baudin, Ile de la Tortue, Gola, Paulin la corne, Jean Rabel, Marre rouge, Mole St Nicolas and Baie de Henne.
As part of this tour, Mrs. Martelly decided to go through the country in order to see, listen, understand and ultimately facilitate the action by sharing the complaints with the first Representative of the Nation, taking care not to announce her visits, in order to avoid any arrangement or preparative that could hide the true reality of the situation in the areas concerned.
HL/ HaitiLibre
On target, Mister Collins
, taking care not to announce her visits, in order to avoid any arrangement or preparative that could hide the true reality of the situation in the areas concerned.
You are correct.
Queen Sophia, as you have titled her, must avoid the realities. They do not favour her slightly. She can get smiles, when she hands a few gourdes, but the people dislike her while loving President Martelly.
The First Lady is truly not an attractive personality