By Joslyn Ching – February 7, 2011 11:00 PM
Rene Preval, the President of Haiti, has announced that he will be in office for another three months as elections are held to find a successor.
Because of the massive earthquakes in Haiti last year, the island has been in disrepair. Several nations, including the United States, have pledged billions of dollars in an effort to help Haiti repair itself.
Preval, who served as president of Haiti from 1996 to 2001, was only the second president in Haitian history to leave his office due to the fact that his term had expired. Several protests were held after the first election, when Preval had apparently lost the election, but subsequently the Provisional Electoral Council declared Preval the winner by a 1.1 percent margin.
However, since his second inauguration in 2009, Preval has become increasingly unpopular with the people. The rampant poverty has led to large protests against him, and Haitians are saying that he did not act quickly enough after the earthquakes. The Associated Press representatives in Haiti quoted one citizen as saying, “Misery is killing people, so we need a change,”
Jude Celestin, the original candidate for the next presidential run, was dismissed by the Provisional Electoral Council, however, because of his obvious affiliations with and backing by Preval’s government officials.
Until April 16th, however, which is the projected date for the next Haitian election, Preval will be keeping his position in office.
Here we go again! Another article that puts out wrong information.
Rene Preval did not with the 2005 election by 1.1% !
He had 23% in the first round and MINUSTAH – the UN group in Haiti – gave him 51% to avoid a run-off that he would certainly have lost to Charles Baker.
His presidency has been one huge disaster, distinguished only by his refusal to do anything other than steal hundreds of millions of dollars.
He has now fixed this election via 4 false polls that showed Manigat as the leader, when it was in fact Jean Henry Ceant who led. Preval is afraid of Ceant since Ceant might make him face Justice. On the other hand, Manigat has accepted a bundle of cash, an armored SUV, 20 year retroactive pension, for her husband, and some home repairs, coupled with Preval’s promise to have his entire Inite party back her in the run-off. In return, Preval gets to name her Prime Minister and Cabinet.
Manigat has absolutely no popular vote and a fresh election would show this.
Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton and the OAS have pressured the Haitians into accepting someone they do not want.
” When you train a monkey how to use a rock as a weapon to kill others,you need to know also that the ones who will be its first victim will be you”.
The International Community helps Preval to violate the Haitian Laws and the Constitution, now, Preval will teach it back the lesson.Prevail asks the Election Council Members to do not sign the document for the resultats of the elections to defeat the willingness of the International Community because Publicly the Ambassadors went to the Electoral Council office to impose their rules and fix the date of the round off before the proclamation of the first round which was not a real election but a” Mascarade” of the Century.
Preval and his government body will teach Edmond Mulet and the Ambassadors that Haiti is Haiti.
Rira bien qui rira le dernier.
The situations in Haiti and the Arab world might seem very much different but the two places both have one problem in common — dictators whose time has come but who are trying desperately to hang on.
Whether Haitian President Rene Preval qualifies as a dictator of the same magnitude as Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak depends perhaps on who is talking. Mr. Preval was elected in 2006 in a national and nominally democratic vote but one that raised strong questions in minds of Haitians and international observers. Haitians protesting in the streets in recent days have denounced Mr. Preval in the same kind of language as Egyptians are denouncing Mr. Mubarak; Mr. Preval “must step down to avoid people getting hurt,” was how one Haitian in a crowd of demonstrators put it on Monday.
Last week, however, the Haitian leader was served notice that his time is almost up, that finally the political morass left behind by Haiti’s rigged presidential elections might be cleaned up. The election council has ruled that Jude Celestin, Mr. Preval’s hand-picked heir, will be dropped from the ballot of the run-off presidential election to be held March 20. Mr. Celestin’s second-place showing in the first round of voting was almost universally regarded as being the result of vote-rigging. His withdrawal now at least offers Haiti the hope of a free and fair election to replace Mr. Preval by the middle of May.
That won’t happen without constant and close supervision by countries such as Canada, nor can it happen without the vigilance and the will of the Haitian people, but it can happen and if it can happen in Haiti — perhaps the world’s messiest nation — it can happen almost anywhere. Even Haitians can dare to dream.
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 8, 2011 A10