Aristide and Preval and Duvalier all live adjacent to Kenscoff road, within a three mile circle.
Duvalier hosted hundreds of local peasants in his home, personally serving them food and clarin, the native alcohol, assisted by his staff and a single National Police security guard.
Aristide and Preval ignored the citizens, their neighbors, and RARA- each isolated and guarded by dozens of heavily armed men.
More importantly, everyone ignored Preval/Aristide as though they didn’t even exist.
There is a message here, for the world to see, if it opens it’s eyes..
Duvalier requires no security.
Preval has 100 guarding his safety, while Aristide hides behind 70.
Bon kile yo ap sispan fe makak.nou poko jam ka ran nou kont ke se grimas zafe rara sa ye.Gade koman pep la vle rete nan grimas priye pou nou. se sel Bondye ki ka ede nou