The Dominican Republic and Haiti have agreed to jointly fight the cholera epidemic, which has killed thousands of people in Haiti and spread to neighboring Dominican Republic.
Among other agreements reached at a meeting of health officials from both countries here on Thursday, a permanent bilateral discussion mechanism will be set up to jointly monitor the situation of cholera, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and the dengue fever.
Bautista Rojas Gomez, health minister of the Dominican Republic, said the two sides also decided to articulate the important initiatives to be developed by non-governmental organizations.
Since its outbreak in mid-October, the cholera epidemic has killed some 5,000 people in Haiti, while leaving 12 dead and almost 1,000 infected in the Dominican Republic. Dominican authorities have stepped up border controls and health checks to stop the disease from spreading from Haiti.
Source: Xinhua
And you still think that Preval should not be put kn jail when everyone knows that he brought it for politil interest only. this devil must be put in jail.he is a criminal.the colera was brought to Haiti by prevaland his wife
Preval should spend the rest of his life behind bars for the theft of hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as the destruction of Haiti’s poor