July 1, 2011

The international community – led by American Ambassador Merten, allowed  control of the electoral process by Preval and his criminal CEP. When the Canadian ambassador insisted on creation of a new and unbiased CEP, before any electoral funding was released, lost the battle to Ambassador Merten who insisted the CEP could be trusted. Like  Britain’s Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, after meeting with Hitler….said we could trust the guy…

A simple demand that a new unbiased CEP be appointed, would have saved Haiti from the disaster in now faces.

On November 28, 2010, the criminal basis for the election was apparent, even as the polls opened.

Preval had  openly bought Mirlande Manigat’s soul for a few millions, and armoured SUV, home improvements, a retroactive 20 year pension for Leslie and the promised of support from INITE. All she had to promise was Preval’s choice of her cabinet and the prime minister.

Jude Celestin became a noisy side issue.

By 9 AM on election day, the majority of the presidential candidates had boycotted the ballot and met at the Hotel Caraibe, creating the Group of 12. Manigat and Martelly attended and were vocal in their criticism of the fraud.

Then Preval had a brilliant idea. He called Manigat and Martelly separately, telling each that they were leading the count.

Greed is great. Martelly and Manigat quickly abandoned their reputations, and their friends in a wild grab for the prize – Haiti’s presidency.

In fact, had the vote been counted properly the order of finish would have been Jean-Henry Ceant, Charles Baker and Martelly in 1,2,3 spots…with Manigat and Celestin near the bottom. Some suggest Manigat’s share was 4.5% of the vote.

Unfortunately, that Haitian patriot, Reginald Boulos, President of the Chamber of Commerce, had created a number of false polls that had shown Celestin/Manigat as the leaders and Baker/Ceant way down the numbers with less than 10%.  People should remember what Boulos did to the nation.

This Judas received his 30 Pieces of Silver in the form of a passport for his brother Rudi, recognizing his Haitian citizenship, and the sale of 100 vehicles, to the Preval/Celestin team by a Boulos car agency.

At the beginning there was a partnership in combat between Baker, Ceant and Martelly. When Martelly broke ranks, betraying the Nation,  Baker confronted him forcefully, to say the least.

Everyone was focused on the presidency as Preval stole Parliament.

How anyone could validate the vote when the actual ballots were tainted to a degree beyond belief, is an insult to the Haitian people.

So Preval had effectively eliminated the true winners…Ceant/Baker,  leaving the losers, Martelly, Manigat, and Celestin in the game.

Then there was Martelly/Manigat and the rest is history.

In spite of Ambassador Merten’s comment, during a meeting attended by foreign nations to the effect…”I don’t give a damn what the polls say!! I want the woman…” (Manigat)

Martelly won and he remembers the American Ambassador’s bias and will remember this on into the future.

INITE controls the Parliament and Preval controls INITE.

Preval showed that he still controlled Haiti when he had INITE reject Martelly’s choice for Prime Minister, Daniel Rouzier.

Now it is difficult to decide who is to blame, Preval or Martelly, for our current disastrous situation.

Martelly has a team of less than perfect advisers – led by the Mayard-Pauls. Someone once said, of their father Constantin Mayard-Paul that he was  “ a very bright guy with absolutely no principles.”   Of the others he said…”They are guys with absolutely no talent and absolutely no principles…”  And these are Martelly’s key advisers, intent only on financial gain.

Martelly’s first choice for Prime Minister – Daniel Rouzier – was turned down. One Deputy stood up in the chamber and said that $3.5 million had been distributed to accomplish this goal. Then he walked out in disgust.

Now we have seen Martelly betray his friend Jean-Henry Ceant, the man who should have been president, had the November 28, 2010 ballot been handled honestly.

The Chamber of Deputies wants Ceant but the Senate has blocked him. The Senate is filled with drug dealers and other criminals…

Martelly also torpedoed Bellerive, Bill Clinton’s favorite.

Now there is a push for Gousse as Prime Minister. He is a close ally of Daniel Rouzier, the Mayard-Pauls….  He was also a cabinet minister under Aristide and has many skeletons in the closet for human rights abuses and other small things.

The International Community could say no to Gousse.

Something must be done, before it is too late.

Perhaps….it is too late!!

Preval must be removed from the equation, once and for all. There are enough crimes out there to have him charged and convicted…earning several lifetime’s of jail. Why doesn’t the French government do us a favor and indict Preval fro the murder of their Consul? Why don’t the American indict Preval for his part in the cocaine traffic into America?  Why doesn’t the Haitian government pursue the $198,000,000 in Petro Caraibe funds….or the many other crimes he has committed?

The answers and solutions are there. Will anyone take the ation needed to save this nation?

I am not optimistic.

And Martelly!

How long will his government survive??

Not very long if he does not get his act together.

The Mob is already restless and once aroused, there will be no turning back!!

Martelly’s friend, Gervais Charles, was a natural choice for Prime Minister but criminals, in the Martelly circle….like the Mayard-Pauls could not tolerate Gervais Charles’ balanced, diplomatic, even-handed, patriotic approach.

They can only tolerate other criminals.

People are dying because of Martelly’s cynical incompetence.

The Nation is dying!!

This cycle must end – IMMEDIATELY!!


Author: `


  1. And, we must recal the murders of Mireille Durocher=Bertin by Aristide/Preval in March, 1995 and many other such as Sylvio Claude, Roger Lafontant, Pere Vincent….

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