Open Letter to Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken

Mr. Blinken,
I know that we are eight days away from the presidential election and the race is so close that any error by either side would guarantee the victory of the other side.
Nevertheless, We Haitian Americans and Haitians who already suffer the consequences of our mismanagement, we were looking for proper advice and counsel on how to get out of our chaotic situation.
We must however say that we are baffled by the recent action of your representative, Ambassador Dennis B. Hankins, who grants interviews and welcome to his salon renown gang leaders, the likes Jimmy Cherisier who are subject to search warrants by US intelligence services.
We consider it an insult and inacceptable. It is inconceivable that while you are having these harmonious relationships with gang leaders you dare penalize fellow haitians who, for their safety, pay the same gangs.  Yes indeed, there was a time when more nationalist governments would have declared your representative a persona non grata.
We certainly hope, for the sake of what is left of our relationship, that you bring correction to your ambassador’s mission in Haiti.
Jean Claude Roy
Still a proud Haitian.

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