Posted in Crime/Corruption, DAILY REPORTS-Direct From Haiti, Elections MARTELLY RATS DESERT SINKING SHIP. MARTELLY TEAM HEADS FOR MIAMI SAFETY. VALERY-MILFORT LEADS THE RAT-PACK AS EVANS PAUL DEMANDS FIRING Of ALL CEP STAFF MEMBERS WHEN HAITIAN TRUTH REVEALS SECRET NEW YORK BANK ACCOUNT USED TO HIDE BRIBES. EVANS PAUL WORRIED ABOUT LEAKED INFORMATION – NOT THE CRIME COMMITTED. ` June 30, 2015 June 29, 2015 HAITIAN-TRUTH discovered a secret CEP bank account in New York! Nehemy Joseph upset. Big demonstration against CEP as thousands march from airport up Delmas to CEP headquarters in Petion-Ville. Evans Paul demands firing of all CEP staff members, not because of the crime involved, but because of the information leaked. CEP is a criminal organization and its members should be arrested. Interdiction Orders should be filed against all Martelly associates to prevent their fleeing Haitian legal jurisdiction. Author: `