Janvier 10, 2016 12:20
Even as I type this, Haiti’s Parliament is in the process of being installed.
It is 13:00 hours and the process has recessed for 30 minutes.
Martelly is purposefully moving forward, as promised.
If he doesn’t accomplish what he has promised, it will not be his fault, even as his own Prime Minister Evans Paul uses government money to pay for demonstrations and violence against the Martelly government.
Evans Paul is what he has always been a pig cannot change his spots – excuse me, that should read, a leopard cannot change his spots. Evans Paul was, is and always will be a terrorist.
He has been stealing $500,000 per month from the Primature budget to fund anti-government demonstrations and also rebuild his own private home.
Time to jail Evans Paul, recognize Parliament and let President Martelly get on with his business.
Let the elections move forward to pick a winner and recognize a loser!
Youri Latortue selected President of the Senate.
Liste des 92 Députés :
PHTK (26) :
Jean Berthole Bastien, PHTK, Vallières/Carice
Louis Romel Beauge, PHTK, Maissade
Jean Philippe Belisaire, PHTK, Tiburon
Anouce Jhon Bernard, PHTK, Beaumont
A. Rodon Bien-Aimé, PHTK, Cerca Cavajal
Rony Célestin, PHTK, Cerca la Source
Hervé Charles, PHTK, Torbeck Chantal
Jean Galvy Charles, PHTK, Chardonnières/Les Anglais
Jean Chavenet Clerjour, PHTK, Abricots/Bonbon
Price Cyprien, PHTK, Thomazeau
Garcia Delva, PHTK, Marchand Dessalines
Abel Descollines, PHTK, Mirebalais
Gandhy Dorfeuille, PHTK, Saint-Louis-du-Sud
Elisma Florvil, PHTK, Ouanaminthe
Yvon Geste, PHTK, Miragoâne
Wilner Guervil, PHTK, Anse-à-Veau/Arnaud
Jean Wilson Hippolite, PHTK, Léogâne
Joseph Benoît Laguerre, PHTK, Saint Jean du Sud/Arniquet
Jean René Lochard, PHTK, Port-au-Prince (2ème)
Pierre-Louis Ostin, PHTK, Roches-à-Bateau
Philippe Parvilus, PHTK, Sainte-Suzanne
Worms Perilus, PHTK, Pilate
Denis Saint-Fort, PHTK, Bassin-Bleu
Joel Semerzier, PHTK, Anse d’Hainault/Les Irois
Michel Jacques St Louis, PHTK, Mombin Crochu
Paul Hermann Vil, PHTK, Grand-Gosier
VERITE (13) :
Germain Fils Alexandre, VERITE, Petit-Goâve
Myriam Amilcar, VERITE, Saint Michel
Jacques Beauvil, VERITE, Carrefour
Peter Castin Constantin, VERITE, Pignon/Ranquite/La Vicoire
Caleb J. Desrameaux, VERITE, Tabarre
Pierre Jude Destine, VERITE, Fonds-Verrettes/Ganthier
Beonard Dorismond, VERITE, Coteaux
Donal Dorsainvil, VERITE, Trou-du-Nord/Caracol
Gabriel Lyonel Jean, VERITE, Lascahobas
Frandy Louis, VERITE, Limbé
Salem Raphael, VERITE, Marmelade
Jerry Tardieu, VERITE, Pétion-ville
Gérard Theramene, VERITE, Jean-Rabel
KID (7) :
Alfredo Junior Antoine, KID, Kenscoff
Frist Adren, KID, Mont Organisée/Capotille
Sony Cabe, KID, Bainet
Francisque Delacruz, KID, Thomassique
Willer Jean Jean, KID, Croix-des-Bouquets
Fred Pitton, KID, Hinche
Jacquelin Rubes, KID, Fort-Liberté
OPL (7) :
Jean-Robert Bosse, OPL, Aquin
Reynald Exantus, OPL, L’Estere
Ketel Jean-Philippe, OPL, Jacmel
Fils Joseph, OPL, Chansolme
Franck Lauture, OPL, La Vallée de Jacmel
Esaie Prophete, OPL, Quartier Morin
Clauvy Robas, OPL, Cayes/Ile-à-Vache
AAA (Ayiti an Aksyon) (6) :
Cholzer Chancy, AAA, Ennery
Edouanel Chery, AAA, Anse Rouge
Fritz Chery, AAA, Gros-Morne
Dulaurier Jacques, AAA, Terre Neuve
Jacob Latortue, AAA, Gonaïves
Vilma Mathieu, AAA, Belle-Anse
Famni Lavalas (6) :
Vikerson Garnier, Fanmi Lavalas, Thiotte
Smith Mathurin, Fanmi Lavalas, Petite Rivière de Nippes/Paillany
Patrick Norzeus, Fanmi Lavalas, Baraderes/Grand Bouca
Elience Petit-Frère, Fanmi Lavalas, Ferrier/Les Perches
Bélizaire Printemps, Fanmi Lavalas, Port-au-Prince (3ème)
Bertrand Sinal, Fanmi Lavalas, Port-Salut
INITE (4) :
Jean Guerrier Benoit, Inite Patriyotik, Moron/Chambellan
Hermano Exinord, Inite Patriyotik, La Chapelle
Jackie Guerrier, Inite Patriyotik, Pointe-à-Raquette
Curolo Loiseau, inite Patriyotik, Dame Marie
Bouclier (3) :
Hubert Dieu Alsace, Bouclier, Grande Saline
Gary Bodeau, Réseau Bouclier National, Delmas
Claude Lesly Pierre, Réseau Bouclier National, Plaine du Nord/Milot
FUSION (3) :
Guerchon Guerrard, FUSION, Belladere
Bel-Ange Pierre, FUSION, Anse-à-Pitre
Lemann Premier, FUSION, L’Asile
LAPEH (2) :
Jean Etienne, LAPEH, Cap-Haïtien
Wuinchel Olivier, LAPEH, Cavaillon
MOSANO (2) :
Jean Asthene, MOSANO, La Tortue
Freud Maurancy, MOSANO, Saint Louis Nord
Partis divers tendances, ayant 1 seul représentant (13) :
Enel Appolon, Platfòm Pitit Dessalines, Thomonde
Louis-Marie Bonhomme, PONT, Anse-à-Foleur
Ronald Etienne, CNPPH, Pestel
Jean Mary Forestal, Konsyans Patriyotik, Port-de-Paix
Iverno Guerrier , MAS, Fonds-des-Nègres
Claude Luc Guillaume, Renmen Ayiti, Petit Trou de Nippes/Plaisance du Sud
Jovenel Louis, MONHA, Terrier-Rouge
Jean Benissoit Mercredy, MAPEH, Cayes Jacmel
Jean Michel Moïse, PF, Bombadopolis/Baie de Henne
Rolphe Papillon, Consortium, Corail
Micalerme Pierre, Renmen Ayiti, Anse à Galet
Romial Smith, PALMIS, Saut-d’eau
Tertius Tanis, Kontrapelela, Limonade