Mirlande Manigat has been making disparaging remarks about the arrival of Jean Claude Duvalier in Haiti.
People who live in glass houses should not be critical of the Duvalier years. After all, her husband, Leslie, was an informer for President Francois Duvalier. Leslie Manigat was also one of the founders who created the Macoute – Volunteer for National Security. When he became president in 1988 he created his own secret police – the Gris Gris.
Leslie was one of Francois Duvalier’s close associates until he saw himself as a replacement for Duvalier, and had to leave the country.
Leslie Manigat had Venezuelan military personnel in Haiti – dressed in Venezuelan uniforms, violating Haiti’s sovereignty.
Mirlande Manigat has accepted cash from President Preval, an armoured limousine, home improvements, a security detail and a 20 year retroactive pension for her husband.
All of these extras from Preval with the understanding that she allow him to name her Prime Minister, cabinet…etc. In other words, her original deal with Preval saw her as a simple, fat puppet.
Duvalier has every right to return, as does Raoul Cedras and Jean Bertrand Aristide.