Jean Claude Duvalier made an unannounced visit to his father’s old home in downtown Port-au-Prince. Within minutes of his arrival hundreds of people rushed to see and touch him. This is in stark contrast to the image projected by the world media – one of fear and dislike.
During his tour of the downtown area, where he visited the National Palace and Cathedral, Duvalier was met by thousands of well-wishers who just wanted to be near their former president.
Contrary to media images, Duvalier has always been popular with the vast majority of Haiti’s millions.
It seems like the writer forgot Fort Dimanche….
Every government has its problems and problem makers. All of the acts were not those of Duvalier.
What about Mireille Durocher Bertin, Pastor Leroy, Sylvio Claude, Roger Lafontant, Father Jean Marie Vincent, Antoine Izmery, Robert Marcello and the French Consul, recently murdered. These were not Duvalier.
I just read a quote from Ambassador Ernest Preeg, US representative in Haiti 1983.
He said; “It can honestly be said that the Jean Claude Duvalier presidency is the longest period of violence free stability in the nation’s history..”
Those who lived under Jean Claude’s government and try to survive Aristide, Latortue, and Preval wished for Duvalier’s return.
Perhaps the Creole proverb, “Bad is better than woorse” applies…but those who recall the Duvalier years do so with a fondness that has been passed down to their children…and these are the young ones who welcome Jean Claude.
ok Guys,it is time fo forgive I mean the man has blood cancer
he might dye at any time
so let him dye when the time come with his mind in peace
Haiti need an other chance.
we should be focussing on a Jude Celestin ignorant we thinks haitian are blind for now. Leave Jean Claude Duvalier alone