Letter from Wyclef Jean: “Keep The Faith”
Written by ZOEMAGLTD
It is with a heavy heart that I tell you today that the board of elections in Haiti has disqualified me from my run for the presidency of the country. Though I disagree with the ruling, I respectfully accept the committee’s final decision, and I urge my supporters to do the same. We must all honor the memories of those we’ve lost–whether in the earthquake, or at anytime–by responding peacefully and responsibly to this disappointment.
I was inspired to run for president because I know Haiti can become great with the right leadership, and I believe I could be that leader; but, ultimately, we must respect the rule of law in order for our island to become the great nation we all aspire for it to be.
I want to assure my countrymen that I will continue to work for Haiti’s renewal; though the board has determined that I am not a resident of Haiti, home is where the heart is–and my heart has and will always be in Haiti. This ruling just tells me that I can’t officially seek the office of president. More importantly, there is no one who can tell me to stop my work in Haiti, and there is no one who could. I think of my daughter, Angelina, and it makes me want to redouble my efforts to help give all the children in Haiti better days.
I also want to honor the memory of my father, a minister; I know that he would tell me that even though I’ve faced a setback, I must continue in all my good-faith efforts to help Haiti turn a corner to a better and brighter future. Do not think that my role in the future of Haiti is over; it’s just a different role than I had anticipated it to be.
Rest assured, this isn’t the end of my efforts to help improve my beloved country but only marks a new beginning.
Signed, Wyclef Jean
Candidats agréés
Candidats rejetés
1. ABELLARD Axan Delson
Parti : Konbit Nasyonal pour Devlopman (KNDA)
2. ALEXIS Jacques Édouard
Parti : Mobilisation pour le Progrès d’Haïti (MPH)
3. ANACACIS Jean Hector
Parti : Mouvement Démocratique de la Jeunesse Haïtienne (MODEJHA)
4. BAKER Charles Henry Jean-Marie
Parti : Respè
5. BIJOU Josette
Parti : Indépendant
6. BLOT Gérard Marie Necker
Parti : Platfòm 16 Désanm
7. CÉANT Jean Henry
Parti : Renmen Ayiti
Parti : INITE
Parti : PRNH
Parti : Oganizasyon Lavni (LAVNI)
11. JEUDY Wilson
Parti : Fòs 2010
12. JEUNE Jean Chavannes
Parti : Alliance chrétienne citoyenne pour la reconstruction d’Haïti (ACCRHA)
13. JEUNE Léon J.
Parti : Konbit Liberation Ekonomik (KLE)
14. JOSEPH Génard
Parti : Groupement Solidarité
15. LAGUERRE Garaudy
Parti : WOZO
16. MANIGAT Mirlande Hyppolite
Parti : Rassemblement des Démocrates Nationaux Progressistes» (RDNP)
17. MARTELLY Michel
Parti : Repons peyizan
18. NEPTUNE Yvon
Parti : Ayisyen pou Ayiti
19. VOLTAIRE Leslie
Parti : Plateforme Ansanm Nou Fò
1. ARMAND, Pierre
2. BERTIN, Jean
3. DALMACY, Kesler
4. DUROSEAU, Cluny Villaire
5. EUGENE,Jacques Phillipe
6. FLORIVAL, Paul Arthur
7. GAUDIN, Lavarice
8. JEAN, Jeannel Wyclef
9. JOSEPH, Raymond A.
10. PARENT, Claire Lydie
11. PIERRE RICHE, Olicier
12. RODRIGUEZ, Eddy Mario
13. SAINT-FORT, René
14. VILSAINT, Menelas
15. VOIGT, Charles
what are U going to do, what could you do, what could we do, to help Haiti be free from US Imperialism Mr Jean?
I think that Mr. Wyclef could do better than the rest of the candidates if the corrupted and illegal council (CEP) gave him a chance to run for the presidency. He could be free our nation from US Imperialism by not asking money.
And now Wyclef is trying to appeal the verdict.
He has already made a fool of himself by his statements.
Now he loses whatever respect people had for him by being a stupid child.
He was trying to do something for Haiti.
Now he has spoiled that in the future.
No matter what his lawyer says – he has not been in Haiti for 5 consecutive years before filing his paper.
The time from 0 to 9 years does not count.
What a disappointing person he has become, focused upon his ego