Le théâtre haïtien persiste !- Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth

Le théâtre haïtien persiste !
Les zélés du PM defacto Ariel Henri; Mme Edmonde supplice Bauzile, André Michèl, Marjorie Michèl et consorts, ont sorti pour bloquer la mise en place du CP, malgré qu’ils ont des membres du CP. Ce sont des gens que la République a pour devoir, de bien les surveiller.

“You feed the lion, so it won’t eat you. Then it eats you!”

PM Henry paid the gangs millions of dollars over the 30 months of his disastrous, American-sponsored period. The American government was made aware of this, but ignored the facts.

The USG also blocked actual efforts- by Haitians- to rectify the situation the situation. This has seen the cancer expand to a point where it could be fatal for the Haitian Nation.


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