Stanley Lucas <>: Mar 20 04:52PM -0400 Clinton charity faces questions over donors New reporting by the *Washington Post* finds a gold mine in Haiti. Or, at In an expose about the controversial Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Controversy surrounding the Clintons only deepened with the recent “Neither Bill Clinton nor the brother of Hillary Clinton are individuals Clinton Foundation officials said Bill Clinton had been unaware of Rodham’s If the former president is unaware of his brother-in-law’s activities in Earlier this month, we reported that There’s still plenty more for the *Post* to investigate: The Rodham gold mine revelation is just one of dozens featured in a _______________________________________________________ — BILL CLINTON ‘UNAWARE’ BROTHER-IN-LAW ON BOARD OF HAITIAN GOLD MINE THAT by RICH TUCKER <>20 |
1 thought on “Le President Clinton déclare qu’il n’était pas au courant que son beau frère est membre du Conseil d’Administration de la compagnie qui a reçu le permis pour exploiter l’or d’Haiti — BILL CLINTON ‘UNAWARE’ BROTHER-IN-LAW ON BOARD OF HAITIAN GOLD MINE THAT LANDED RARE PERMIT – Added COMMENTARY By Haitian-Truth”
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Clintons should be non grata