Feb 6, 2018
Where are we with the PETROCARIBE Dossier?
People are still endlessly debating the fact that many structural flaws exist, coupled with dozens of factual errors, but the original game is over and another time-consuming inning has only started.
The Senate transfer of the problem to the Court of Superior Accounts – CSCCA -has created a situation in which it may remain unsettled for years, if not forever.
So the Aristide/Lavalas may have effectively “Won by Losing!”
And there will be problems in obtaining Discharges for those who were a part of the Martelly government. Without examining each and every detail, on the PETROCARIBE Dossier the CSCCA cannot render a balanced opinion.
Lamothe and Laleau left in limbo.
So, Privert set a time-bomb that will haunt our society for some time to come.
A lot of money was expended by everyone in efforts to gain, or hold control of the Senate.
Will the same game be played in this new arena?
At this moment the CSCCA is overseen by a Lavalas person who will be replaced by a non-Lavalas person in the immediate future.
No matter what the end result might be, the odor of corruption – real or imaginary – will hang over the Jovenel Moise Presidency simply because he is seen to have inherited the reins from Martelly’s team.
All of this while everyone ignores the realities of our Aristide/Preval/Privert era in which life was worth nothing and fortunes were stolen. Privert left the treasuries empty and thousands within the civil service unpaid.
President Moise was left to deal with this.
As a parting shot Privert demanded, and received, $8,000,000 from Taiwan for a favourable vote at the UN.
The focus is on the wrong people.