There is an old Creole Proverb to the effect that “A man with a gun is respected, a man with no gun is despised.” Taking that to everyday life it could be translated into the assumption that one who wants to work with others, to obtain a balanced consensus, is weak.
Being polite and fair seems to be a sign of weakness.
President Moise has just given a speech in which he asked for cooperation, but forgot to add a sentence that insisted others obey the laws, or pay the price.
We have just survived a major threat to our Nation’s stability, and the government’s survival. A threat created by a few selfish people. Their promise of massive, destructive disorder fizzled out, even though millions had been invested in buying chaos. However, is not the time to declare victory, when there are many miles left to travel.
We are at a tipping point from which Jovenel will force the giant boulder over the crest, winning the game for all, or see it roll back crushing us in its path. We cannot tolerate spoilers, like Moise Jean Charles, Michel Andre, Arnel Belizire and the rest, who would destroy our Nation’s hopes, with absolutely no sensible alternative plan, other than continued chaos. They block whatever the government attempts, simply to create problems.
It is really time for all sectors of our Haitian society to get behind the Jovenel Moise government. It is time to create a balanced, effective Cabinet, from our best, not those with loyalty to a Senator, Deputy or ex-President. The Cabinet must be loyal to the Nation and its well-being, not the pocketbooks of a few.
We are at the point-of-no-return from which we must either turn back into chaos, or fly on towards a better, brighter, more productive future. Each and every one of us is a part of this game and must play a positive role or the Nation is doomed.
The Jovenel Moise government must also make a commitment to communicating information locally, and worldwide, informing others of the team’s accomplishments and goals.
So far, the Jovenel Moise government has accomplished a great deal and can continue on a positive track if a few spoilers are neutralized.