Haiti – Justice : CSPJ, Me Antoine Norgaisse has changed sides..

Haiti - Justice : CSPJ, Me Antoine Norgaisse has changed sides...

Haiti Libre:The spokesman of the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ) Me Néhémy Joseph said on Wednesday that Me Antoine Norgaisse is now in the camp of the President of CSPJ, Anel Alexis Joseph.

Me Néhémy Joseph, one of the first to leave the room on July 24 in disagreement with what was happening recalls “He [Me Norgaisse] had left the room before me. I do not know which consensus he found with the other members to make this change. But he was with us […] He had the same legal position that us […] I do not feel as comfortable as before. Politics has entered the CSPJ but I must respect the decision of the majority…”

Indeed, with this change, the group in favor of the designation of 3 representatives becomes majority [4 members + the President whose vote decided In case of equality], against 4 members dissenting which are now the minority.

The minority group members : Max Elibert, Pharaon Gustave, Dilia Lemaire, Néhémy Joseph, rely on the decision of the sectors they represent, before determining their position on this situation. A decision who arrived quickly on the side of the Bars Federation of Haiti (FBH), where Me Carlos Hercules, President of the FBH indicated on Wednesday evening “What happened in CSPJ is unacceptable. We will recall our representative on Thursday,” However, it is only next Monday that the FBH will decide whether this is a temporary or permanent withdrawal. In the same vein, of organizations of civil society do not exclude, in tuen, to withdraw their representative, Me Dilia Lemaire. decision that will be discussed at the next meeting


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1 thought on “Haiti – Justice : CSPJ, Me Antoine Norgaisse has changed sides..

  1. Those suggested seem to be

    Yves Benoit Jean-Marie,
    Judge Patrick Metallus
    Salnave Exantus

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