Haiti – FLASH IMPORTANT : Notice of 15 days for foreign nationals

Haiti Libre:

Haiti - FLASH IMPORTANT : Notice of 15 days for foreign nationals

“The Ministry of Interior, of Territorial Collectivities and National Defense reminds all foreign nationals staying for more than 90 days in the country or living on national soil, the formal obligation upon them to obtained from the Directorate of Immigration and Emigration (DIE) a residence permit valid for one fiscal year from October 1 to September 30 [next year].

Fault by these foreign nationals to not comply, they will incur the measures provided for in Articles 305, 313 and 315 of the Decree-Law of December 26, 1978 concerning Foreigners.

In addition, private companies, supermarkets, beauty studios, the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) etc… Will now have to ask of any foreign, a residence permits before hiring it, under pain of prosecution.

A period of 15 days is granted to them from the publication of this.

A Brigade of Control of Foreigners of the DIE will conduct surprise visits, in view to the full implementation of the Law.”

Thierry MAYARD-PAUL, av.

Port-au-Prince, January 27, 2012

HL/ HaitiLibre


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4 thoughts on “Haiti – FLASH IMPORTANT : Notice of 15 days for foreign nationals

  1. This will really put the cat amongst the pidgeons.

    There is no way the government can coordinate this disaster in 15 days, let alone 15 weeks or a year.

    Haiti has 11,000 NGOs in country. Let us say that eachhas a minimum of 2 foreigners…giving 22,000. This would require processing some 1500 per day for 15 days.

    And then we have thousands, and thousands of other foreigners doing a variety of things.

    Looks like another attempt by Martelly’s government to shoot itself in the foot with the International Community.

    What they are aiming at are the hard-working Philippine workers, in supermarkets.

    Martelly should remember that other nations might crack down on Haitians in their countries, as retaliation.

  2. I can recall endeavoring to get a driver licence and the problems therin. If I didn’t know the chief of circulation I would still be waiting.

  3. These are “expletive” idiot who have fallen into positions of power and have no ideas on how to manage and run a functioning organised state, nor have they ever prepared themselves for such a posibility

    see, I am trying to limit the profanity

    1. Eduj- Thanks a million. It is very appreciated. Can’t help but get a chuckle out of that…

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