3 thoughts on “Haiti – Elections Présidentielles Novembre 2010 Résultats Sondages Opposition vs. Parti au Pouvoir

  1. These polls are really stupid.
    They are created for the egos of candidates.
    Few voters ever see them.
    Most voters cannot even read the comment I am writing.

  2. We are not fooled, we know Baker is top 2 by far. Every other poll out there shows Baker as top 2. Vote Charles Henri Baker for real change please!! ou pa bouke tou!!?? Even the brides poll in Haiti was recently rigged by Preval and Celestin when they realized how unpopular they were during the first sondage! Visit his website yourself, learn a little about your candidates, they are the future of your country.

  3. Any votes for these fools is wasted if they keep MINUSTAH in Haiti.

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