The $107,000,000 is supposedly for the purchase of equipment…….however, it will be distributed to Preval’s candidates so they can control the elections and drown the opposition.
We predicted this action, months ago, when Preval attempted to control all relief supplies. He wanted Title to everything so his candidates could distribute the goods…buying the vote.
The cynic Preval has also blocked the release of relief supplies in customs so they can be released, just before the election, for distribution by his candidates.
It is time for the international community to put an end to Preval’s ongoing criminal conspiracy.
Everyone talks about free and fair elections, but no one is doing anything to guarantee this.
Preval will buy the vote.
His candidates for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate will gain control.
The murderer Celestin will become president and the international community will, once again, gnash their teeth.
Haitians will slide toward the abyss.
The opportunity to rebuild the nation will be lost.