Haiti Sentinel:
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (sentinel.ht) – A new crisis appears on the horizon for Haitian education. All employees of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) were called to strike on Monday, August 28, 2017 throughout the national territory.
It was the Staff Union of the Ministry of National Education and Training (SPEMENFP) who made the announcement this Friday in one of the annexes of the institution in Babiole district of Port-au-Prince. This to force the officials of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training to take into consideration their demands.
The SPEMENFP took the opportunity to denounce promotions that are made without transparency, contractors who are never appointed even after several years of service, skilled employees who have never been promoted. “Yet people have entered the Ministry with their letters of appointment. This is unfair, “said Secretary General of SPEMENFP, Junior Leo.
He then asked the Minister of Education, Pierre Agenor Cadet, to accompany the employees on the occasion of the beginning of the school year. According to him, as every year, the costs of schooling go up and the State does nothing to prevent it.
The Minister of Education, Pierre Josué Agénor Cadet, has rejected the demands of the staff union of the Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (SPEMENFP) on the phone. For him, he can not do everything. He made it clear that the salary increase in the public service does not depend on a minister. “Giving employees increases is a matter for the government,” he said.
In response to the accusation that promotions are being made without transparency in the MENFP, the minister denies: “This is not true. Since my arrival here, there have been no new appointments and promotions of employees. You can not name people at the end of a fiscal year.”
For the support requested for the start of classes, the holder of the MENFP says he has already subsidized books in order to relieve the parents. “The state subsidizes books. In particular, we can not do anything else. If they undertake to encumber on the 28th of August, they will do so. They have that right,” the minister said.