C’etait juste quelques refexions dues a une reaction d’enervement contre l’hypocrisie de la politique et les mensonges de l’Histoire
J.C. Fignolé
La question de la double nationalite alimente de facon recurrente les crises politiques haitiennes.Elle est une consequence des prescriptions xenophobes de la premiere constitution imperiale.Aucun blanc ne foulera le sol d’Haiti a titre de maitre ou de proprietaire.Nos constituants ont oublie d’ajouter a titre de Chef ,mot qui dans la terminologie politique haitienne, demeure en lui-meme un lieu de pouvoir.Et de luttes pour le pouvoir en termes d’exclusion ,d’elimination sinon de negation de l’autre.
Tout cela pour souligner qu’il est temps que l’on mette un terme a cette hypocrisie administrative .La male vie de notre terre a provoque l’emigration massive des haitiens dans le monde si bien que d’apres une information de l’office mondial des migrations il n’y a pas un pays du globe ou l’on ne trouve au moins six haitiens .Tous partout demeurent attaches a leur terre.De par la force des choses,nous sommes desormais citoyens du monde.Pour peu,je dirais que nous appartenons au patrimoine du monde comme une espece rare d’individus qui ne savent pas etre un peuple.Et si le monde entier nous accueille pourquoi notre terre nous rejetterait-elle au nom d’une exigence constitutionnelle que la pratique politique ne cesse de bafouer.
Evitons de continuer d’etre de ridicules byzantins.
Je vous felicite, Mr Fignole, pour votre courage,le temps dispose pour repondre aux harrassements de certains politiciens. En depit de leur bruit, beaucoup de politiciens ne connaissent pas l’histoire politique authentique de leur pays.
J’ai vecu aux Abricots pendant cinque ans quand j’etais le gendre d’Andris Eugene. Lors je vous avais rencontre plusieurs fois et j’ai toujours garde un respect profond pour vous et votre mere.
J’apprecie vos commentaires.
Jean W. Philippe
Anyone born in Haiti considers himself a Haitian and a Haitian remains a Haitian all of his/her life.
Long ago when it became evident that in order to stay alive some Haitians had to move away from the country, it was not a move that was welcomed, but it was a move that was necessary. As you know, we started leaving Haiti because of the political pressure and economic hardship brought to bear under Francois Duvalier and continued up to and including when Haiti was under the leadership of Aristide.
We, the members of the Haitian Diaspora (the ones who left our native land), still have deep feelings towards our country, regardless of where we make a living. For all Haitians, it IS time to unite in an effort to help our homeland. Here is a proposal I believe will resonate with most Haitians conscious of the current circumstances:
We need a revision of our constitution. In order to allow the Haitian Diaspora to maintain a legal connection with the country, to protect the interest of Haitians as a people regardless of location on the planet, we need to revise aspects of our antiquated constitution. The benefits are:
a. The potential for the creation of political party or parties either within the country or in North / South America, or Europe (wherever Haitians live) that can provide a voice and support to advance the country.
b. Given the exposure received from living in foreign land, many of us have lived first hand progressive government practices and can land a voice and consultative support in fighting political corruption. Further many can provide either paid or pro bono counsel on developing systems that sustain long term progress.
c. In partnership with those who live in the country we can co-create new perspectives and programs with the support of foreign governments keeping our own interest as Haitians first.
d. The financial contribution of the Haitian Diaspora would not be so undervalued. Being so fragmented and underrepresented due to fear, the financial outpour of many Haitians living outside of the country could mirror that of the Jews who came together from all over the world to rebuild Israel. Hollywood Jews like Steven Spielberg or Barbara Streisand join hands with others less known in Germany, Canada, etc. to develop projects on irrigation, neighborhood revitalization, etc. Why couldn’t we do it too? Many of us give to the Red Cross, United Way, Children’s fund, etc… We could mobilized in a civilized way to provide en masse financial contribution if recognized and valued as a true legal entity.
As for my Haitian family members, friends, and any Haitian professionals – Haiti needs you, each and every one of us. Please do not let Haiti perish for the lack of knowledge and talent that you have to offer. You who are the physicians, lawyers, architects, project managers, mathematicians, business proprietors, engineers, teachers and the list goes on. What a tremendous difference you could make for the country that you hold so deeply in your hearts!
Let’s unite under the common purpose of helping change Haiti through a change in its constitution.
I am not sure how to go about it, politically, but I figure that as Margaret Mead said “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has “ may be applicable here.
Please feel free to write back to share your thoughts and ideas and circulate as widely as you deem appropriate. Together we can change history.
Jean W Philippe
Email : jwphilippe@yahoo.com.